For a variety of reasons over the past couple of years my research productivity has declined. It made me a little sad, although I didn’t have a lot of time to actively correct the situation. But I did hope that things would ultimately change, so when all of the sudden I had a lot more research to do this quarter I was quite happy. By the end of the Winter quarter I will have submitted three papers to conferences, which isn’t a lot for my more productive colleagues but is definitely more than I was previously doing. And I have another project that hasn’t yet come to publications yet, but that I hope will in the next six months or so.

But I must admit that the timing wasn’t the best. Winter quarter is typically busy because it’s prime recruiting season, and I try to be an active participant. I also agreed to a pilot revision of the curriculum in one of the courses I teach. And there are a lot of adjuncts and new faculty teaching the classes for which I’m the course mentor. The pressure of all that plus the research has taken a toll on me, resulting in twice weekly physical therapy sessions and too many trips to urgent care for my taste. So while I am happy about the change in my research situation, I am reminded that you need to be a little bit careful about what you wish for.